The story of Ant-Man follows Scott Lang(Paul Rudd): a former ex-con trying to redeem himself for his past crimes. When things do not go according to plan, Scott decides to return to a life of stealing. However the house he robs belongs to retired scientist Hank Pym (Michael Douglas). Scott steals is an odd looking suit which he discovers has the ability to shrink the wearer in size. Scott finds out that Hank Pym was once a hero named Ant-Man; and Hank has been watching Lang so he can take up Pym's mantle. With the help of Hank's daughter Hope (Evangeline Lilly) and Scott's Crew (Michael Pena, Tip T.I Harris and David Dastmalchian), Scott becomes the Ant-Man and must steal from Darren Cross (Corey Stoll) who is bent on using Hank's formula as a weapon.
The plot to Ant-Man was rather straightforward; which was not a bad thing. The story definitely stayed true to its concepts. The origin story element was quite different from previous superhero movies. The idea of a new character taking up an old hero's mantle is something uncommon in superhero movies; and Ant-Man did not disappoint in executing this concept as the tale of the two Ant-Men was done well. The other major element to the story was the heist. Like most heist movie, the film's plot centered on the crime at hand, and it build the significance of the heist itself. What I found so interesting about this element was how the storytellers were able to mesh the heist factor with the superhero concept and make it work. The only issue I had with the story was its pacing. It was not that the pacing was to quick or to slow; but rather it could be off putting at times; which made certain moments hard to follow. Yet even with the pacing, I found myself enjoying this plot as it did justice to the character of Ant-Man.
Like most ensemble from Marvel, the cast to Ant-Man was solid. Paul Rudd made for a charismatic lead as Scott Lang. Scott was a character that you could easily get hind, and the role allowed Paul to show both his comedic and dramatic side. Along with Rudd's great performance was Michael Douglas as Hank Pym. It was interesting to see Douglas in a role like Hank Pym as it was one that I could not see the actor ever playing. However the actor did a splendid job as the former Ant-Man and his chemistry with Paul Rudd was indeed effective. Evangeline Lilly was good as Hope Van Dyne. Admittedly I was hoping to see more from her, but there was enough from Lilly to deliver a strong performance. Scott's crew was also likable. Sure Michael Pena as Luis could be a bit excessive as a comic relief character, but he (as well as the other two) were likable; and they had a part to play in this film. Then there was Corey Stoll as Darren Cross. Cross was not the most compelling of Marvel antagonists as he could be a bit cliché in his presence. However Cross's character was still understandable, and Storey' performance was by no means bad. Add appearances from members of the Marvel alumni and you have a cast fitting for the MCU.
Ant-Man was a fun little superhero film (and that pun was intended). The story and characters, while not perfect, still fit both the concept as well as the title of Ant-Man. Plus the effects made the movie feel larger then life. Ant-Man may not be Marvel's biggest film, but this blockbuster was both a fun summer film, and it definitely belongs in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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