The story of Prisoners centers around a case of two missing girls. When Anna and Joy disappear on Thanksgiving, their families do everything in their power to look for them. It comes to the point where Keller Dover, played by Hugh Jackman, abducts and torture suspect Alex Jones. With Detective Loki, played by Jake Gyllenhaal, on the case, everyone involved will discover there is more going on then just a mere kidnapping.
While Prisoners has a massive ensemble, the show-stealers are the leads: Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllehaal. While I can't say Hugh Jackman had a ground breaking performance, he still brought his charisma to Keller; creating one dynamic role for the actor. The same applies for Gyllenhaal's Detective Loki; though this is definitely one the actor's best roles in sometime. While the rest of the cast did not have monumental performances, they still fit and gave Prisoners a ensemble to be proud of.
What got my attention was the world of the movie. Denis Villenueve's direction in the cinematography was perfect, giving Prisoners a realistic tone. That and the direction in some of scenes was awe-inspiring. The sequence of Detective Loki driving through traffic was tense and quite possible one of the best shot car scenes I've seen in a while.
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