The world of horror is full of all kinds of scares. Some films deal with
ghosts and hauntings; while have deranged killers stalking teenagers.
However there are times where this genre can be daunting to watch
because so many movies follows the same formula; and it seems to be getting harder
and harder for horror movies to stand out from one another. Yet
filmmakers attempt to bring some quality to this aged genre. The latest film
to enter this genre is an independent horror film by the name of
Follows. The movie has received some good press when it started with
its debut at the Cannes Film Festival in 2014. Since then, the film has
received praise from a number of critics; but could this horror flick
impress this Film Adventurer?
The tale of
It Follows surrounds a young girl named Jay. Proceeding a date with a
mysterious boy named Hugh, Jay is abducted by Hugh where he reveals his true
intention. It turns out that something has been following Hugh and the only
way for this mysterious being to pass him is if he has sex with
another person; which he did with Jay. Now Jay finds herself being
hunted down by a creature who takes any form and is only visible to her. With the help of
her friends, Jay tries to evade this entity; however no matter what she
does or where she goes, it follows.

The plot to
It Follows was definitely intriguing. While the
story has very little explanation in its back-story, this
drawback actually benefited the overall plot by strengthening the mystery
tone which added to overall tension to the movie.Though
the movie was an hour and forty minutes, the pacing to the film was
long. This was not to say a bad thing as so many horror films go by
quickly. However there were times where the plot would drag on;
particularly during the end of the film. In the end,
It Follow's plot
does hold true to many horror plot elements; but rather then coming off as generic, the story uses these traits to
the best of their abilities making this spooky tale very engaging.
Characters in horror films can be a tricky thing as they tend to rely on being stereotypes. While the characters of
It Follows fall under cliched characteristics, the cast was still
effective. Jay does fall under the category of the lead being constantly
haunted, but she does come off as a character that you can understand; which
is likely thanks to Maika Monroe's performance. Jay's friend are pretty
standard, but the fact they do believe that Jay is being stalked does
break away from the stereotype that these kind of characters are known
for. Then again the doubtful character comes in the form of Greg. While
Greg was helpful to the group, he was the one who disbelieved the
existence of the monster. While it was great to see Greg was a different kind of character, his development and motivation was
underwhelming. Then there was the creature itself. Rather then just
coming off as a ghost, the monster could be physical; which was a
callback to slasher characters like Jason Voorhees. By meshing elements
from various horror monsters, the creature came off as a unique villain;
and this approach made the overall film that more effective.

The horror of
It Follows is a combination of scare tactics. While the
movie has a few jump scares, the movie thankfully did not
rely on this concept. Instead the film would rely on its frightening;
atmosphere which was definitely the better move. Thanks to mystery of
the creature and its concept of following Jay everywhere, you never knew when this
creature was going to emerge. There were plenty of times where you see
someone walking in the distance, and you never knew if it was the creature or not. This kind of horror was
definitely effective as it gave the movie a different approach scary its audience. The cinematography to
It Follows was impressive by having
an 80's sense to it. The camera work and look to the movie created vibe seen in classic horror films from the 80's. Along with the stellar cinematography was the
fantastic score by Disasterpeace. The music was not only catchy but it
help continued the sense of nostalgia of this movie by reflecting various horror
scores heard in the 80's.
It is safe to say that
It Follows is a solid horror film. While it does
has some issues in its execution, the movie makes up for it in a variety of
areas. The film comes off as unique by taking elements from a variety
of horror films.
It Follows is to say the least refreshing and; after
watching the film you will definitely be watching or back-because you
never know what could be following.
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