I found the reboot to be lacking in many areas. Yet that did not seem both critics and moviegoers from loving this new take on the sci-fi franchise. Rise was such a success that it did not long for Fox to green light a sequel. So from Rise of the Planet of the Apes comes its sequel: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. The latest film takes place 10 years after the events of Rise and focuses on the ape Caesar (Andy Serkis) and his clan of simians who deal the remaining humans of San Francisco. This sequel had a lot of good buzz going into it, but did Dawn of the Planet of the Apes sway this nonbeliever?

It is not often that an entire motion capture performances can be the main draw of a movie. However if anyone could pull it off, it would be Andy Serkis; and fortunately he does as the role of Caesar. Andy Serkis not only had a good performance as the primate leader, but Caesar is the actor's best work since Gollum. Andy Serkis' performance was the perfect blend of physical and raw emotion. From every expression to every word Caesar utter, it was an impressive feat from the actor. Serkis was indeed the MVP of the film, but that does not mean other performances went unnoticed. All the roles for the apes were outstanding; such as Toby Kebbell as the malicious ape Koba.
The apes are the film's showstealers, but what can be said about the human performances? The human characters may not have been as strong as the apes, but they still worked for the movie. Jason Clarke provided a solid performance as Malcolm. While Gary Oldman, though he is not in the film as much as advertised, made for an understandable detractor for the apes. The fact of the matter is that while not all the characters were outstanding, everyone in this film were either great or understandable. However, at the end of the day, the apes showed a new meaning to motion captured performance.

As you can tell, much of this film's strength comes from the motion capture performances. So it stands to reason that the visual effects for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes needed to be top notch; and sure enough , they were. The visuals to this film were impressive to say the least as it blended practical and cgi effects flawlessly. It would be shocking for this blockbuster not nominated for best effects come award season. The score from Michael Giacchino should also be commended. Gianchino's score could go from soothing to grand in a heartbeat, and it never lost the idea behind the film. Whether it was the effects of the music, all of elements only heighten the concept to this latest entry in the Apes franchise.

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